Wiztango is a platform for Subject Matter Experts, Authors, Product Managers and other Content Originators.
Our business model and technology works for you
To build a scalable revenue learning model by digitalizing your expertise
By assigning trainers, consultants or managers to facilitate digitally-blended training through a learning circle
For employees, professionals or students to contextualize & apply learning resulting in collective intelligence and ROI
Learning Circles Effectively integrate learning with knowledge to achieve the ultimate aim for stakeholders.
Changes to mindset, behaviors and habits have to be reinforced over a period of time. Moving away from traditional ways of teaching and training begins with the evolution of the stakeholder roles & skills sets.
Learning Circles is a digital form of training, empowering Subject Matter Experts to publish knowledge as a digital intervention and trainers to apply innovation and creativity in facilitating engagement on it.
The engagement allows collaborative learning – observe what everyone has learnt and their opinions. Through digitalization, practice at-home, at-the-workplace or in-class, reinforcement of application of learning is made possible.
Permeation of learning and scalability of the transformation is achieved as stakeholders are enabled to co-facilitate face-to-face, virtually and digitally.
A natural evolution for the trainer’s role in the digital age
The responsibility of the trainer and/or facilitator will no longer simply fall under the domain of the Human Resource Department or Learning & Development function. We highly recommend building and sustaining a network of internal (and possibly external long-term partnerships) coaches and subject matter experts as Digital Facilitators. These Digital Facilitators will:
Herald a new change in what learning means to the participants
Cultivate importance of in what is being received by everyone through participation than what is being delivered
Will create the cutting edge in using technology to learn than learning the technology
The Digital Facilitator's role is to guide the learner and encourage and/or enable learners to access and evaluate information; not serve as the expert domain or be the source of facts and/or knowledge. Learning will evolve in double and triple loop learning, and not become a single process.
The focus is for the learners to evolve (self-and team directed learning) and build collective intelligence. This builds a patterned culture of "well-intentioned", "well-heeled", and "well-ness" learners, thereby developing team dynamics, active partner support and coaching, asking for questions rather than asking for answers, and helping each learner into future learning opportunities: this is the foundation and continuity of organisational learning and the learning organisation.
Developing and publishing a learning circle on Wiztango is easy
Design and development needs to have an end in mind, question types and corresponding responses to be drawn out from learners need to be carefully thought through. Including, the type of qualitative & quantitative data needed for further analysis. The design of the digital content coupled with coaching, mentoring, facilitation complements any training intervention resulting in a wholesome holistic approach to learning.
Publishers can rapidly digitalize any given framework. For example, if we consider a simplified form of Gagne’s 9 events. With this approach, the publisher needs to:
Provide information.
Allow opportunity to research online and convert findings into insights.
Create synthesis combining memory with association of knowledge with relevant past experience.
Apply learning through a case study or work related project.
This approach drives focus on the 70 of the 70-20-10 framework, allowing application of learning and practice. The multiplier effect is created through facilitated collaboration.
Convert data into ‘insights’, ‘intelligence’, and ‘recommendations’
What is the common training delivery practice today?
Pre-work & assessment, classroom training, post assessment & evaluation. Data may be collected from different sources including pen and pencil or online. Wiztango permits qualitative and quantitative data to be collected during delivery and retrieved from one source: Questions, Polls, Ranking, Profiling, Responses, Comments, Inputs, Opinions, Views and Feedback
What can you do with data collected?
Create video to provide feedback and highlights. Create pie charts, graphs, dashboard, etc. Do a collective intelligence data dump. Creative, innovative ways in presenting learning outcomes is made possible with Wiztango. Data can be collated not only from one source, location, intervention, it can be collated across locations and interventions. For example, if a team facilitated an intervention separately across twenty locations over two months, Wiztango has the ability to collate data across all locations for this intervention for further analysis.
We work with the entire gamut of the learning supply chain including Subject Matter Experts, Product Owners, Authors, Publishers, Training Enterprises, Corporate, Institutes and Schools. As learning-architects we enable SMEs & Publishers to leverage our digital technology & know-how to design & develop a scalable business model. A corporate Publisher may choose to manage the complete learning supply chain from sales, publishing and facilitation. However, an independent or individual SME may choose to publish content and manage facilitators whilst partnering us and others for sales.
Contact us now for a discussion on your area of expertise and market opportunities.

Prashant Jain (PJ) is the Chief Architect of Learning Circles and creator of Wiztango.com a Digital Facilitation platform for content originators. He is an American with a global background as an entrepreneur in technology and education management.
PJ founded and for fourteen years successfully managed an in-residence corporate university to address global-skills development of high performers at Japanese corporations. The Japanese employees of Hitachi Corp, Toshiba, Fujitsu, Yokogawa, Panasonic and over thirty other Japanese corporations were graduates. The Singapore-based company generated ~$9M revenue and 1,000+ alumni from over twenty-five global-skill development programs.
In the past thirty years, PJ has held leadership roles in the digital transformation of multiple industries with pioneering companies including Digital Pre-Press (in Tokyo with Israeli-based Scitex Corp), Digital Photography (in Boston with Boston-based Leaf Technologies), Digital Printing (in Singapore with Dutch-based Indigo Corp) and Online Advertising (in Boston with Boston-based Engage Technologies);
In Singapore, PJ collaborated on a community-led Learning initiative funded by the Lifelong Learning Council and supported by Skills Future Singapore. He facilitated learning circles development for adult educators at the Institute for Adult Learning.
Having commercialized the Learning Circles model on the Wiztango digital platform, PJ now works with multi-national corporations, national publishers, Government agencies, training partners and professionals on the implementation of digitally-blended learning model.
PJ’s vision is to help transition traditional training to a digitally-facilitated learning model by creating equal opportunity for all participants to contribute and balance knowledge acquisition with communication.
Connect with PJ on Linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/in/pj-prashant-jain-78135 or contact him here
Wiztango has been conceived and developed by Magmasoft Pte Ltd., a Singapore based corporation. The technology development and support center based in Pune, India comprises of a talent pool that is experienced, knowledgeable in the business of learning and training and is committed to delivering the best user experiences.
We have wonderful career opportunities - find out more
“Singapore Learning Circles” is a project funded by the Lifelong Learning Council and supported by Skills Future Singapore. It’s goal is to enable and facilitate a national learning model that is by the community with the community, driven by practitioners and learners alike.
The project is powered by a social learning platform so as to better synchronize with the learning styles of our modern society. For practitioners this creates a valuable opportunity to freely experience a blended model and effectively share their expertise with the community.
Practitioners and learners may also tap into a Learnnow Seed Fund to initiate and contribute towards creating shared learning outcomes.
Let us together embark on this journey of lifelong learning. Contact us now and play an active role in shaping the culture of lifelong learning in Singapore!
Connect with Singapore Learning Circles on Facebook > https://www.facebook.com/mylearningcircles
We are actively collaborating with subject matter experts and content originators,. We look forward to hearing from you.
Drop us a note at info@wiztango.com or contact us here