The Effective Communicator - S1P1
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Your brand and performance excel when you effectively communicate your opinion, thoughts and ideas. Professionals are invited to join our Learning Circles to learn and practice Language patterns and learning techniques that improve communication skills.
English is unique in that letters do not correlate strongly with sounds. English has a non-phonetic alphabet is the fancy way of saying there is not enough information in written English to speak it. Traditional English classes focus on Reading and Writing exclusively with little to no content for Listening or Speaking. Students struggle learning to speak English confidently as Listening and Speaking are poorly taught.
The contribution of Context as a critical feature of conversation has been underserved as well. Conversations work because of context, important words, and body language — not grammar or accent. In real life, conversations happen inside of context that constantly and powerfully supports the messages being conveyed.
English is a generous and forgiving language. Learners need to understand that context and a few choice words pronounced with accurate word stress are all one needs to get into the game of conversation, then practice and confidence lead to fluency.
Integrating language skills with facilitated practice yields dramatic results. Engaging with peers in the Learning Circle model generates a community of ideas, support, and an enriched educational atmosphere. All participants hone their proficiency in English faster and more confidently as part of a guided group.
Adapted from Scandinavian Study Circles, Learning Circles trigger mindset changes. New skills and behaviors are socially reinforced. The Effective Communicator’s Learning Circles allow complex topics to be broken down into manageable parts. Single session programs can result in meaningful and productive dialogue, but Learning Circles usually involve multiple sessions to fully investigate the topics at hand.
Key Learnings
To empower you with skills, approaches and techniques
To develop professional English language communication skills
To create confident communicators with strong personal voices
To help you Increase your job satisfaction and get positive stakeholder feedback
To create a globally connected & productive society
(1) PC or laptop, (2) tablet or mobile device (3) internet access (4) 45-60 minutes of available time daily for 4 days per week
Learning stakeholder
Topics and agenda
1. A Warm Welcome
Orientation | 30 MinutesEstablish a safe, personal, inclusive connection between learners, the technology and the program.
To achieve a sense of comfort to contribute
2. Getting to Know You
Ice Break | 30 MinutesIce Breaker where participants share their educational qualifications and work details forwarding assessment and customization
To get to know each other and to develop a safe space
3. How it works
Getting Started | 30 MinutesMechanics and content. An overview of the daily practice steps, schedule and expectations
To get familiarized and ready
4. Strengths & Weaknesses
Self Assessment | 30 MinutesDeeper assessment of the skills and capabilities each learner is bringing to the group.
To get a better understanding of your capabilities
5. Practice LSRW Episode 1
Laboratory | 30 MinutesLearners get their feet wet in the program and experience success expressing their answers to a straight forward exercise that connects grammar to pronunciation.
To develop your proficiency and fluency in English Language
6. Practice LSRW Episode 2
Laboratory | 30 MinutesWord Stress and how it impacts intelligibility. Introducing patterns dictated by Suffixes. Participants are invited to comment on one another’s inputs, strengthening Listening.
To develop your proficiency and fluency in English Language
7. Mid-Program Review
Feedback | 30 MinutesChecking in with the participants on the pace, level of difficulty, content… of the course. Facilitator accountability.
To garner feedback
8. Practice LSRW Episode 3
Laboratory | 30 MinutesThe pronunciation of a high-frequency individual sound issue, balanced with the relative unimportance of individual sounds.
To focus on writing short clear responses and pronouncing them perfectly speaks to skill customization.
9. Practice LSRW Episode 4
Laboratory | 30 MinutesListening skills tuned with pronunciation details. Raise the bar regarding concise response skills. Evoke extensive group feedback.
To develop your proficiency and fluency in English Language
10. Final Self Assessment
Self evaluation | 20 MinutesParticipants are encouraged to revisit their LSRW competency levels.
To measure specific results
11. Review & Reflection
Giving Feedback | 30 MinutesCourage, commitment and congeniality. AUTONOMY
To review, reflect and share feedback
12. Reference Resources
Research | 45 MinutesAdditional resources for reference, research and practice
To dive deeper into English Language practice learning

Freelance ESL Facilitator
An MBA with deep corporate experience as an ESL facilitator. The training sessions are customized to address the unique language learning needs of each client, ranging from top business executives to entry level staff across different industries. The classes are typically planned in engaging the students through role plays, video lessons, audio classes, reading…etc.

I have been involved in ELT and teacher training for over 28 years. I'm a licensed tutor for SIT TESOL Certificate, from World Learning, and was an ICELT tutor, IELTS and Cambridge English Language Assessment Examiner for 15 years. I hold a BA in Chemical Engineering, COTE from the University of Cambridge, and a Master’s degree in TESOL from Canterbury Christ Church University.
Thompson Language Center
Thompson Language Center is a globally acclaimed English instruction organization which offers a boutique of services including one-on-one coaching; ESL instructor training; keynote speaking and a broad range of publications and resources for guiding both instructors and learners of English.
The organization continues to grow and adapt to the changing world, with practical, fun and engaging methods to help individuals communicate seamlessly in international environments.