Dyslexia: Classroom Strategies

The Perceptive and Cognitive Teacher

Facilitated by Maharashtra Dyslexia Association

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International Dyslexia Association

The International Dyslexia Association, Inc. (IDA) is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) charity, organized and operated to provide advocacy, resources and services to teaching professionals, advocates and individuals and families impacted by dyslexia and other related learning differences. | https://dyslexiaida.org/


  1. 003, Amit Park Bldg, L J Road,, Deonar, Mumbai , Maharashtra, India View Map

  2. C/O Joseph Cardijn Technical School, ground floor, Gate no. 2,, Dadar East, Mumbai , Maharashtra, India View Map

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In your class, you will face a challenge in teaching 10-15% of your students in math, reading, writing or spelling words in English or their mother tongue. Might your students be facing such difficulties - are you equipped to effectively tackle learning disorders? Join our Learning Circle to design, develop and implement teaching, learning strategies and classroom management techniques.


“Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is neurobiological in origin. It is characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities. These difficulties typically result from a deficit in the phonological component of language that is often unexpected in relation to other cognitive abilities and the provision of effective classroom instruction. Secondary consequences may include problems in reading comprehension and reduced reading experience that can impede growth of vocabulary and background knowledge.”

The impact that dyslexia has is different for each person and depends on the severity of the condition and the effectiveness of instruction or remediation. The core difficulty is with reading words and this is related to difficulty with processing and manipulating sounds.
People with dyslexia can also have problems with spoken language finding it difficult to express themselves clearly, or to fully comprehend what others mean when they speak. It can lead to major problems in school and in relating to other people.
Students with dyslexia often end up feeling less intelligent and less capable than they actually are. After experiencing a great deal of stress due to academic problems, a student may become discouraged about continuing in school.

Recent research and many studies recommend Primary and Secondary School Teacher should be upskilled on dyslexia to have basic knowledge about how to deal and handle dyslexia pupils in their classroom

A) In your own time and at your own pace, you are able to
1) Access content, research, analyze, etc.
2) Complete assigned tasks
3) Learn and engage with each other’s inputs

B) During live sessions, you are led by a facilitator to
1) Review and discuss inputs made
2) Elaborate on your opinion when called upon
3) Further analyze in breakout groups

Key Learnings

  • To instil empathy and awareness in your Students

  • To provide adequate classroom scaffolding and directives to your Students

  • To create and implement a plan of action for Students with learning challenges

  • To effectively implement Classroom Management Strategies

  • To make your Students smart and independent learners


1) Laptop
2) Mobile device
3) Internet access



Learning stakeholder



Topics and agenda

  • 1. A Warm Welcome

    Digital On boarding | 15 Minutes

    Get all participants on board and do a bit of practice

    To achieve a sense of comfort in our digitally-blended learning environment

  • 2. Recap Dyslexia Screening & Identification

    Digital learning | 30 Minutes

    Quick check on key concepts covered in (Module DSI)

    To connect previous learning with upcoming topics

  • 3. Setting the Context

    Digital learning | 30 Minutes

    Identifying key challenges and problems faced by you in your Classroom

    To explore your "WHY"

  • 4. (PRE) Principles, Accommodations & Modifications

    Self Evaluation |

    Explore your background knowledge and key concepts

    To reflect on your level of understanding

  • 5. (POST) Principles, Accommodations & Modifications

    Research |

    Research key concepts and background

    To update yourself and gain new insights

  • 6. Learning Strategies Basics

    Research |

    Explore techniques and tips for effective learning

    To help Students improve the way they learn

  • 7. Learning Strategies Case Studies

    Case Study | 30 Minutes

    Application of learning to specific Student profiles

    To apply tips, techniques and strategies

  • 8. Teaching Strategies Basics

    Research | 30 Minutes

    Explore techniques and tips for effective teaching

    To help teachers improve teaching skills

  • 9. Facilitating Student Performance

    Community of Practice |

  • 10. Teaching Strategies Case Studies

    Case Study | 30 Minutes

    Application of learning to specific Student profiles

    To apply tips, techniques and strategies

  • 11. Application of Learning

    Workplace Implementation |

    Observations and application of learning in the classroom and the community

    To apply learning in the field and workplace

  • 12. Advanced Study (Optional)

    Research |

    Additional materials and resources for progressing understanding and knowledge

    To further gain expertise into the subject matter

  • 13. Final Reflections

    Feedback | 30 Minutes

    Reviewing your learning experience, collecting and sharing thoughts, ideas for improvement

    To give constructive, qualitative and critical feedback

  • 14. Original Contributor

    Sharing |

    Link this topic for articles, information, videos, questions and comments you wish to share with the Learning Circle

    To be actively involved, proactive and an original contributor

  • 15. Any queries? Post here.

    Learning Circle | 15 Minutes

    Your doubt clarification

  • 16. Miscellaneous

    Learning Circle | 15 Minutes

  • 17. For the Admin Only

    Laboratory |

    Teachers' Locker for Resources


Masarrat Khan
Chief Executive Officer

Masarrat Khan holds Master’s degrees in Clinical Psychology and English Literature from Mumbai University, and is a Structured Literacy Dyslexia Specialist and a Certified Academic Language Therapist. She is the Course Coordinator for the Dyslexia Therapist Training Programme offered by MDA in collaboration with Ms Sandra Dillon, author of the Sounds-In-Syllables Program, USA. She is a Pre-Primary and Primary Curriculum Developer and Trainer for the English Language and Math. Ms Khan was one of the Primary Investigators in the development of DALI-Dyslexia Assessment for Languages of India, has co-authored Research on ‘Ancestral Variations of the PCDHG Gene Cluster Predispose to Dyslexia in a Multiplex’. Ms Khan, with an invaluable experience of more than three decades in the area of Learning Disabilities, has been nominated as Member of the International Executive Council of Global Inclusive Education Network

Diya Basu
Senior Psychologist

Ms Diya Basu is a Senior Psychologist at MDA, and is responsible for assessments, and training and mentoring trainee and junior psychologists.
She is also a Certified Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment Programme Facilitator.
She conducts workshops and digitally facilitated learning circles on Dyslexia Awareness and Classroom Management Strategies, Interpreting Psycho-Educational Reports, and Study Skills and Strategies for professionals and mainstream school teachers.
This Learning Circle have been designed and published by her.

Organization Icon Image

Maharashtra Dyslexia Association

Maharashtra Dyslexia Association is a not-for-profit organisation committed to securing the rights of students with Dyslexia (also known as a 'Specific Learning or Language Disability') to an appropriate education. MDA was started in March 1996 by a group of parents and professionals with a view to creating awareness about Dyslexia within the educational community and the general public, and advocating the rights of these students.

Our mission is to promote the rights of individuals with Specific Learning Disability through diagnostic and remedial services, advocacy, research and capacity building.