The Biz Ready IT Engineer

Solidifying your future success as a co-founder

Facilitated by Metabridge LLC

No schedules on the calendar

Who is it for

Learning level

Learner profile

Learning partners

Oxford University Press

Oxford University Press advances knowledge and learning. From a child reading their first words to a researcher expanding the frontiers of their field, the possibilities are endless. Established in the earliest days of printing and throughout our 400 year history, we have always been home to the inquisitive, the passionate, and the ambitious. We welcome new ideas and fresh thinking, and offer the opportunity for individuals and teams to make their mark.

Maharashatra Dyslexia Association

Maharashtra Dyslexia Association is a not-for-profit organisation committed to securing the rights of students with Dyslexia (also known as a 'Specific Learning or Language Disability') to an appropriate education. MDA was started in March 1996 by a group of parents and professionals with a view to creating awareness about Dyslexia within the educational community and the general public, and advocating the rights of these students.


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Nearly 33% of S&P 500 CEO's have an undergraduate degree in Engineering, suggesting that you are already on a path to future success. But, in the meantime, are you developing key business skills to get you there? Join our digitally facilitated Learning Circle to practice launching a business model and developing a keen sense for entrepeneurship.


Entrepreneurs are the driving force behind economic growth, job creation, and innovation in our community. This Program is specifically designed for you to practice the launch of a startup. You are guided step-by-step, transforming yourself into an entrepreneur and or co-founder from an IT engineer.

The major advantages of entrepreneurship include the potential for financial success, career independence, personal growth, and the ability to pursue innovative ideas. This importance of entrepreneurship breaks from tradition and reduces dependence on outdated systems by providing unique products and services, leading to an improved quality of life and greater freedom.

Cofounder is a term that exists to give equal credit to multiple people who start a business together generally from the beginning. A cofounder may be part of the vision of a startup from the get-go, or they may be brought on very early by the original founder because they have skills the founder is lacking.

“…for the top twenty most valuable YC companies, all of them have at least two founders.”

A diverse range of skills — Multiple founders can bring various skills and expertise to the table, which can help address different aspects of the business more effectively. It can lead to better decision-making, increased innovation, and improved overall performance.

Some common responsibilities for co-founders include product development, sales and marketing, operations, and finances. It's also important for co-founders to have a clear understanding of who is responsible for making important decisions and how those decisions will be made. A co-founder can build relationships and partnerships that can help the business grow. Co-founders take initiatives that are crucial for the business, right from the ideation stage, focusing on the long-term sustainability of the business.

Key Learnings

  • To transform into an opportunistic and well-prepared co-founder.

  • To get hands-on & practical experience in the launch of a business model, and develop basic proficiency in business development.

  • To gain competency in key skills of entrepreneurship.

  • To design and develop a comprehensive go-to-market plan.

  • To positively impact and serve as a role model for your family and community.


Desire to Excel, Desire to be a winner, Hard work, Excellence, Problem Solver, Self-confidence, Initiative taker, Responsible, Risk Taker, Not Gambler, Innovative, Creative, Self-Motivated, Motivator, Optimistic, Analytical, Decisive, Mental Ability, Inner Strength, Flexible, and Independent.



Learning stakeholder


An entrepreneurial mindset refers to a particular way of thinking and approaching opportunities, challenges, and decision-making. It encompasses a set of beliefs, thought processes, and skillsets that enable individuals to identify and create opportunities, take calculated risks, and persist in the face of setbacks.


You have initiated a set of routines and rituals to help you progress in your entrepreneureal journey. You have developed and implemented a robust go-to-market plan for launch of a business model. You have developed a business-minded approach, gained key skills to successfully execute the role of co-founder.



Topics and agenda

  • 1. A Warm Welcome

    Digital On boarding | 30 Minutes

    Getting you on board to do a bit of practice.

    To make you comfortable in our digital learning environment.

  • 2. Getting to know you

    Ice Breaker | 30 Minutes

    Ice Breaker where each of us shares our qualifications, work details and unique life stories.

    To get to know one another and to develop a safe space.

  • 3. Setting the Context

    Reflection | 45 Minutes

    Explore ways of thinking, beliefs, attitudes, and perspectives on the upcoming challenges and opportunities of entrepreneurship.

    To reflect and firmly establish a clear frame of mind at the start of our entrepreneurial journey.

  • 4. Self Evaluation

    Self reflection | 45 Minutes

    Identifying your own strengths and weaknesses in various aspects of entrepreneurship.

    To gain self-insight.

  • 5. Solution-ing

    Workshop |

    Analyze products vs markets to effectively present product advantages as well as highlight competitive edges.

    To understand user behavior regarding our products and services.

  • 6. C&C

    Digital learning | 60 Minutes

    Compare & Contrast our products with others in the marketplace to effectively present advantages.

    To understand user behavior regarding our products and services.

  • 7. KYC

    Digital learning | 60 Minutes

    To segment, categorize, profile and set attributes for your target customers.

    To know and define your customers.

  • 8. Market Pitch

    Research |

    Survey your market to develop a pitch centered on segmentation, categorization, profiling, pricing, and location.

    To pitch your products and services in relation to your markets.

  • 9. Scorecard

    Digital learning | 60 Minutes

    To anayze and determine the Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats to your business.

    To mitigate risks and capitalize on opportunities.

  • 10. Mid-Review

    Give Feedback | 30 Minutes

    Feedback helps to make learning more effective and meaningful.

    To self evaluate and reflect on the progress made so far.

  • 11. Brand Development

    Create |

    Publish key statements, design & develop your brand, and create your organizational presence.

    To lay the foundation for your venture.

  • 12. Promotion Strategy

    Create |

    Develop a detailed plan on channels and activities needed to reach target customers.

    To implement a process for creating brand awareness whilst encouraging people to become customers.

  • 13. Business modeling

    Learning Circle |

    To research business models and effectively apply the most effecient one for your venture.

    To maximize profit with minimal effort required.

  • 14. Pricing

    Digital learning | 30 Minutes

    To research and compare pricing strategies.

    To price your products for your respective market.

  • 15. Go-to-Market

    Launch |

    Develop a detailed plan to launch your venture, highlighting key metrics for your efforts and output.

    To follow your launch process step-by-step.

  • 16. BizDev

    Digital learning | 45 Minutes

    Develop your growth & retirement strategy

    To power up your results

  • 17. Self Re-evaluation

    Self evaluation | 30 Minutes

    Identifying improvements in your own strengths and weaknesses after practice and learning and reflecting on what further support is needed.

    To highlight areas of improvement.

  • 18. Feedback

    Reflection | 30 Minutes

    Reviewing your learning experience, collecting, and sharing thoughts, ideas for improvement.

    To give constructive, qualitative, and critical feedback.

  • 19. Additional practice & insights

    Advanced |

    For ambitious learners to gain more knowledge and insights on entrepreneurship.

    To get ahead.

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Metabridge LLC

At Metabridge, we work with Subject Matter Experts (SME), Product Owners, Authors, Publishers, Training Providers, Corporate, Institutes and Schools and a wide gamut of the learning supply chain.

Our growth business model and Learning Circle technology enables SMEs & Content Originators to build a scalable learning model by digitalizing their expertise and then assigning trainers and teachers to facilitate digitally-blended training as a Learning Circle for employees, professionals or students to contextualize & apply learning, resulting in learning through collective intelligence and a high ROI.