Industry Revolution 4.0 Impact on Policy Formulation
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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a ministry of the Government of Singapore responsible for conducting and managing diplomatic relations between Singapore and other countries and regions.
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BlueTrack Centre, an independent training, conference and event management company, develops and organizes a range of training courses, conferences and forums. Areas of training specialization include communication, leadership, strategy, management, negotiation, digital and social media, finance and accounting and corporate law.
BlueTrack works with a pool of specialist associate trainers, professional bodies, educational institutions and industry experts.
145 Lorong Ah Soo #06-145, Hougang, SG, Singapore View Map
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Pundits and observers have made a variety of predictions about the future of Industry 4.0. For sure the “future of work” will see jobs disappear and new opportunities appear. Are your policy makers equipped to develop far-sighted policies needed to overcome the economic changes? Join us in a learning circle to explore the Singapore case study and apply learning for your country.
in an article “Industry 4.0 Opportunities and Threats for Government,” Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum, rightly summarized “Like the revolutions that preceded it, the Fourth Industrial Revolution has the potential to raise global income levels and improve the quality of life for populations around the world.”
The combination of “cyber-physical systems, the Internet of things, cloud computing and cognitive computing,” promises unprecedented industrial and manufacturing productivity. This is known as “Industry 4.0” or “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”.
What is the role of government and policy makers in the era of digital transformation and are they equipped to lead the change?
An example of Industry 4.0 as cited in Wikepedia states “machines which can predict failures and trigger maintenance processes autonomously or self-organized logistics which react to unexpected changes in production. “
Published articles have suggested IR4.0 may have beneficial effects for emerging economies such as India. However, developing a road map is a key.
The digital disruption facing policy makers can be categorized as digital infrastructure, education, regulation and governance. In this learning circle we do a deep dive into several Singapore government policies for the Education sector in leading the transition to 4.0. We then contextualize how such policies can be evolved and implemented in emerging economies.
Key Learnings
To research Singapore Government role in Upskilling, Digital Workplaces and Lifelong Learning
To contextualize the policies & initiatives within your own system and frameworks
To identify your challenges, opportunities, stakeholders, etc.
To apply learning in the design and development of schemes, components, KPIs, etc.
To identify learning solutions and quick wins
Learning stakeholder
Wikipedia >
Klaus Schwab - Founder of the World Economic Forum >
Source: FreeBalance International Steering Committee : 2018 United States >
Singapore’s advanced manufacturing avatar “Industry 4.0” >
Only 25 countries well-positioned to benefit from Indstry 4.0 >
Topics and agenda
1. A Warm Welcome
Digital On boarding | 15 MinutesWelcome on board and lets do a bit of practice
To achieve a sense of comfort in our digital environment
2. Setting the Context
Reaching our Why | 30 Minutes
3. Redefining Education
Workshop |Re-Defining Education In New Age Of Digital And Automation To Meet Workforce Changes through Career fairs for opportunities in key sectors and Building skills for the digital workplace
To contextualize the importance of pro-active training and upskilling
4. Being Future Ready
Workshop |Shaping A Future-Ready Public Administration through Training And Upskilling In New Areas, Role of Employment and Employability Institute (e2i) and Job matching; place and train programmes
To become future-ready for the digital transformation
5. Lifelong Learning
Workshop |Skillsfuture Singapore (SSG) And Meeting Work Changes Brought On By Industrial Revolution 4 through Coordination with educational institutions to build a system of life-long learning
To contextualize the importance of lifelong learning where skills today emerge as quickly as others become obsolete
6. Architecting Learning Organizations
DIY | 30 MinutesPractical session to create collaborative and flexible learning environment
To initiate and sustain organisation development
7. Solution-ing
DIY | 30 MinutesResearch a portfolio of ready to deploy solutions
To initiate and sustain workforce transformation
8. Review & Reflection
Giving Feedback | 20 Minutes
9. Continued Learning
Research & Reflection | 45 MinutesMore context and content on the covered topics
To continue the learning journey

CEO, Entrepreneur, Chief Architect Learning Circles
PJ is the Chief Architect of Learning Circles and creator of a Digital Facilitation Technology Platform for Content Originators. He is an American with a global background as an entrepreneur in technology and education management.
In 2002, he founded and for fourteen years successfully managed an in-residence corporate university for Japanese employees of Hitachi Corp, Toshiba, Fujitsu, Yokogawa, Panasonic and 30 global Japanese corporations. The Singapore-based company achieved $8.9M revenue at its peak and had 1,000 Japanese graduates from 25 global-skill development programs.
In the past 25 years, PJ has had pioneering leadership roles in the digital transformation of multiple industries including Pre-Press (Israeli-based Scitex Corp), Photography (Boston-based Leaf Technologies), Printing (Dutch-based Indigo Corp) and Advertising (Boston-based Engage Technologies)

Senior Lecturer @ Republic Polytechnic SG
Bee Hwee has working experience in many industries, such as engineering, banking, human resource as well as the education and training industry since her graduation from National Technological University, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Her varied experiences from the different industries allow her to better understand her participants and customized her facilitation approaches to meet their needs.
As a manager in a Public Service Division, Bee and her teams conducted training gaps analyses, designed competency frameworks, training roadmaps and milestone programmes together with Civil Service College.
Over the years, Bee Hwee has worked with many companies such as Fortis Bank, Towers Watson, Hay Group and Public Service agencies such as Ministry of Social and Family and Ministry of Home Affairs in the designing of competency and upskilling workshops focusing on andragogic principles /leadership management strategies and coaching.
Metabridge LLC
At Metabridge, we work with Subject Matter Experts (SME), Product Owners, Authors, Publishers, Training Providers, Corporate, Institutes and Schools and a wide gamut of the learning supply chain.
Our growth business model and Learning Circle technology enables SMEs & Content Originators to build a scalable learning model by digitalizing their expertise and then assigning trainers and teachers to facilitate digitally-blended training as a Learning Circle for employees, professionals or students to contextualize & apply learning, resulting in learning through collective intelligence and a high ROI.