The Art of War Chapter 2 Waging War
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The Institute for Adult Learning (IAL) is at the forefront of building capabilities and continuing professional development for an effective, innovative and responsive Continuing Education and Training (CET) sector. We work closely and support adult educators, businesses, human resource developers and policy makers through our comprehensive suite of programmes and services on raising capabilities and catalysing innovations in CET.

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In 2010, Singapore embarked on a 10-year programme to boost its economy’s productivity, with the ultimate aim of reducing income inequality. While foreign labour intake has been significantly tightened, productivity increases have yet to be seen. In this LearningCircle, we are going to understand the economy of warfare in today’s context and how success requires winning decisive engagement quickly
Singapore’s Productivity Drive is entering the 9th year. The goals were twofold: to grow productivity by 2–3% a year on average between 2010 and 2019, and to raise wages by 33% over the decade. The government hoped to achieve these targets by tightening foreign labour supply and encouraging automation and the retention of higher-skilled workers. Having said that, “Singapore's productivity could improve a little bit more this year, having achieved 1 per cent growth in 2016”, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Aug 12, 2017 National Day Dinner.
The drive for higher productivity will result in doing more with less people (low-skilled), especially with the advent of technology and automation. At the same time, the rising cost creates considerable pressure to the business and individuals. Interestingly, 2018 marks an ominous turning point for Singapore's aging population, according to research by Francis Tan, an economist at United Overseas Bank. In 2018, the share of the population that's 65 years and older will match those younger than 15 for the first time, Tan wrote in a report on Dec 6, 2017. As the elderly population starts to crowd out the youth, the "demographic time bomb" may mean changes to taxes, immigration rules, and social services, he said.
The good news is, the above business challenges could be overcome by sharpening our saw in strategic and managerial competences. In the latest IAL Training and Adult Education Professional Competency Model (TAEPCM), “strategic/managerial competence” is the new and emerging critical skill set. It has been identified as the Horizontal Skills that will increase the Training and Adult Education (TAE) stakeholders’ competitive advantage.
Key Learnings
Recognise the value of “speed” in driving productivity and winning behaviour
Use a simple and effective process improvement matrix to address the “lack of time” syndrome in productivity
Relate to the value of cost and revenue behaviour in managing costing and pricing
Describe the impact of sales cycle time to accelerate sales velocity
Create a process of high productivity for long term sustainability
For the FIRST onsite workshop:
1. Bring your laptop (best view platform) and audio earpiece
2. Ensure your laptop is fully charged and can last for at least 2.5 hours
3. Class will start on time and appreciate if you can come 10-15 minutes earlier to set up your wifi network access and laptop
Learning stakeholder
Below are the 2 links for your pre-reading. Please copy and paste the URL.
2 sessions of DIY asynchronous learning, anytime, anywhere.
Topics and agenda
1. Digital On-boarding
Digital and/or onsite | 15 MinutesCovers navigation, settings, mobile access, house rules and other relevant highlights
To arrange the platform setup and access for maximum learning experience and outcome
2. Setting the Context
Digital | 15 MinutesCovers the learning motivation, sense of urgency, challenges, expectation and learner profile.
To manage the learning expectations and relate to other learners and stakeholders
3. Key Information: Chapter 2 Waging War
Digital and/or onsite | 20 MinutesCovers the important facts in Chapter 2 Waging War by receiving the fundamental information without interpretation
To recognise the key information about the economy of warfare in today’s context and how success requires winning decisive engagements quickly.
4. The Value of Speed
digital and/or onsite | 20 MinutesTo relate to the key facts about speed in Chapter 2 and research to turn into insight about why speed is everything in business
Recognise the value of “speed” in driving productivity and winning behaviour
5. Cost and Revenue Behaviour
Case Study | 30 MinutesTo use a case study to simulate the consequence in prolonging any campaign
Relate to the value of cost and revenue behaviour in managing costing and pricing
6. Overcoming Lack of Time Syndrome
Digital and/or onsite | 30 MinutesLink speed to the "lack of time" syndrome with a simple and yet effective time management tool
Use a simple and effective process improvement matrix to address the “lack of time” syndrome in productivity
7. Sales Velocity
digital and/or onsite | 20 MinutesTo relate to the "how to" in creasing more productivity
Describe the impact of sales cycle time to accelerate sales velocity
8. Recall and Link
DIY asynchronous | 15 MinutesCovers the reinforcement of knowledge and the association of real life experience in order to strengthen the link for memory retention.
To generate the links of new knowledge with the previous experience in speed, cost, time management and productivity
9. Productivity vs Sustainability
DIY asynchronous | 30 MinutesTo discuss the ability to scale the productivity with a systematic way of managing priorities and objectives. Tools will be shared to manage urgent and important matters.
Create a process of high productivity for long term sustainability
10. Reflect & Application
DIY and asynchronous | 30 MinutesCovers the application of knowledge to lay plans for 2018.
To apply the concepts and integrate the strategies and tactics into real life personal goals.

CEO, Entrepreneur, Chief Architect Learning Circles
PJ is the Chief Architect of Learning Circles and creator of a Digital Facilitation Technology Platform for Content Originators. He is an American with a global background as an entrepreneur in technology and education management.
In 2002, he founded and for fourteen years successfully managed an in-residence corporate university for Japanese employees of Hitachi Corp, Toshiba, Fujitsu, Yokogawa, Panasonic and 30 global Japanese corporations. The Singapore-based company achieved $8.9M revenue at its peak and had 1,000 Japanese graduates from 25 global-skill development programs.
In the past 25 years, PJ has had pioneering leadership roles in the digital transformation of multiple industries including Pre-Press (Israeli-based Scitex Corp), Photography (Boston-based Leaf Technologies), Printing (Dutch-based Indigo Corp) and Advertising (Boston-based Engage Technologies)

Sales Enablement Consultant helping sales performance improvement
Are you a Senior Business Leader or Owner in Sales or Business Development, Sales Training, Sales Effectiveness, Sales Enablement, Sales Solutions, Learning & Development, HR or Marketing who is involved in your organization's revenue generation strategy?
A recent research by Sales Executive Council showed that the driver that contributed to the greatest customer loyalty was "purchase experience" (53%). Unfortunately, Forrester's online survey pointed out that only 1 in every 7 sales visits usually live up to the expectations of the buying executives. It's more astonishing to find out that 88% of the salespeople are very prepared to talk about their own company and products and only 29% of sales professionals understand about the customer's business and problems.
This has led to a significant decrease of spending to less than 20%. While there is an increase in competition and the global economic climate is very challenging, that poor "purchase experience" resulted in even lower win rate and ultimately created more obstacles for sustainable growth.
Despite these stern statistics, Senior Business Leader or Owner like you can leverage on a systematic sales performance improvement approach to help your team to create a unique "purchase experience" for the customers, increase the win rate and "fast-forward" customers' decision making process.
As the Founder of Sales Blueprint, I've helped thousands of top Executives to significantly accelerate sales and marketing growth through blended learning with sustainable behavioural change.
We have a great passion for sales performance improvement. We also love to empower sales professionals and challenge their thoughts in reaching a "shared understanding" with the clients.
I hope I can be a good resource to you. Scroll down to the "publications" to locate the eBook link to discover the 7 costly mistakes 80% of the sales people make that is costing companies hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Sales Blueprint
Sales Blueprint facilitates blended learning and promotes collaboration amongst learners. Business development is the professional domain in which we major.
Our strategies are behavioural-based, technology-enabled and cutting-edge. They encompass proven methodologies that are being used right now by today’s upper echelon of sales performers.
Our goal: to ensure you are well versed in the best possible sales and negotiation techniques to build on the excellence of your product offering. We help cut through the noise by imparting proven techniques that focus on improving performance and building lasting relationships with those corporate buyers who often have the success of your products in their hands.
Join us for an experiential blended learning experience.