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Wiztango is a digital platform for Publishers, Authors, Product Managers, Social Enterprises and other Content Originators.
Wiztango is a Winner for the 2013 Red Herring Top 100 Asia Award.
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The Institute for Adult Learning (IAL) is at the forefront of building capabilities and continuing professional development for an effective, innovative and responsive Continuing Education and Training (CET) sector. We work closely and support adult educators, businesses, human resource developers and policy makers through our comprehensive suite of programmes and services on raising capabilities and catalysing innovations in CET.
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孫子兵法是一本不同尋常的書。它成為美國海軍陸戰隊閱讀清單中最受推薦的書籍之一。它不僅在軍事界很受歡迎,而且已經廣泛地應用到現代企業管理中。許多人想研讀這個寶貴的資源,然而,文言文可能是一個障礙。在這個學習迴圈中,沒有任何邊界。我們共同研讀, 一起構建知勝之道!
孫子兵法是孫武 (稱為孫子)寫的。它涵蓋了從計畫,作戰, 謀攻, 形,勢的各個方面。在今天的術語,它可以是一個偉大的商業比喻, 企業的取勝之道, 從策略規劃,勘探,評估,銷售,談判,成交。。。等等。
市面上有很多版本的孫子兵法, 但沒有兩種解釋是相同的。除此之外,文言文沒有標點符號,這新增了口譯的難度。然而,我們相信,從這個學習圈每個人的小貢獻,我們絕對可以共同在最短的時間學習, 並使其應用在今天的脉络相關。大家一起實現更多的利益!
Key Learnings
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http://oa.lib.ksu.edu.tw/OA/bitstream/987654321/59278/2/孫子兵法今譯.pdf (繁體)
第一部分: http://www.hrexam.com/exam/2012-04/09/410448.html (簡體)
第二部分: http://www.hrexam.com/exam/2012-04/09/108547.html (簡體)
Topics and agenda
1. 數碼“登機”
數碼 | 26 Minutes涵蓋故事,快速事實,導航,設定,移動設置,規則和其他相關亮點
2. 設定背景
數碼 | 02 Minutes涵蓋學習動機,緊迫感,挑戰,期望和學習者簡介。
3. 學習過程
數碼 | 02 Minutes包括主動學習的4R
4. 第一篇:計篇
現場和數碼 | 13 Minutes涵蓋了孫子兵法的背景、關鍵資訊、關鍵洞察、回顧以往的經驗和反思。
5. 下一步
數碼 | 10 Minutes涵蓋審查,迴響和後續會議
6. 加深知識與案例研究 - 第一章 第二部分
個案研究 | 20 Minutes涵蓋了强化昨天的學習和應用知識來解决一個業務問題。
7. 課程反饋 - 第一章 第二部分
數碼 | 05 Minutes涵蓋課程總結,反饋和建議
結合重點,建構思維, 銜接經驗

CEO, Entrepreneur, Chief Architect Learning Circles
PJ is the Chief Architect of Learning Circles and creator of Wiztango.com a Digital Facilitation Technology Platform for Content Originators. He is an American with a global background as an entrepreneur in technology and education management.
In 2002, he founded and for fourteen years successfully managed an in-residence corporate university for Japanese employees of Hitachi Corp, Toshiba, Fujitsu, Yokogawa, Panasonic and 30 global Japanese corporations. The Singapore-based company achieved $8.9M revenue at its peak and had 1,000 Japanese graduates from 25 global-skill development programs.
In the past 25 years, PJ has had pioneering leadership roles in the digital transformation of multiple industries including Pre-Press (Israeli-based Scitex Corp), Photography (Boston-based Leaf Technologies), Printing (Dutch-based Indigo Corp) and Advertising (Boston-based Engage Technologies)

Sales Enablement Consultant helping sales performance improvement
Are you a Senior Business Leader or Owner in Sales or Business Development, Sales Training, Sales Effectiveness, Sales Enablement, Sales Solutions, Learning & Development, HR or Marketing who is involved in your organization's revenue generation strategy?
A recent research by Sales Executive Council showed that the driver that contributed to the greatest customer loyalty was "purchase experience" (53%). Unfortunately, Forrester's online survey pointed out that only 1 in every 7 sales visits usually live up to the expectations of the buying executives. It's more astonishing to find out that 88% of the salespeople are very prepared to talk about their own company and products and only 29% of sales professionals understand about the customer's business and problems.
This has led to a significant decrease of spending to less than 20%. While there is an increase in competition and the global economic climate is very challenging, that poor "purchase experience" resulted in even lower win rate and ultimately created more obstacles for sustainable growth.
Despite these stern statistics, Senior Business Leader or Owner like you can leverage on a systematic sales performance improvement approach to help your team to create a unique "purchase experience" for the customers, increase the win rate and "fast-forward" customers' decision making process.
As the Founder of Sales Blueprint, I've helped thousands of top Executives to significantly accelerate sales and marketing growth through blended learning with sustainable behavioural change.
We have a great passion for sales performance improvement. We also love to empower sales professionals and challenge their thoughts in reaching a "shared understanding" with the clients.
I hope I can be a good resource to you. Scroll down to the "publications" to locate the eBook link to discover the 7 costly mistakes 80% of the sales people make that is costing companies hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Sales Blueprint
Sales Blueprint facilitates blended learning and promotes collaboration amongst learners. Business development is the professional domain in which we major.
Our strategies are behavioural-based, technology-enabled and cutting-edge. They encompass proven methodologies that are being used right now by today’s upper echelon of sales performers.
Our goal: to ensure you are well versed in the best possible sales and negotiation techniques to build on the excellence of your product offering. We help cut through the noise by imparting proven techniques that focus on improving performance and building lasting relationships with those corporate buyers who often have the success of your products in their hands.
Join us for an experiential blended learning experience.