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August 19,

VIA Character Strengths Basic Program

Explore and Apply your intrinsic gifts to realise your best potential.

Facilitated by Positive Human Diversity Ventures

Scheduled as Introduction to VIA Character Strengths


Registration has ended.

Date and Time

Fri, Aug 18 2017 16:00 GMT -
Fri, Sep 29 2017 16:00 GMT

Who is it for

Learning level

Learner profile

Registered Learners



With all the hype and disruption emerging technologies will affect the future economy and some jobs/tasks which automation,robotics and AI could replace humans; what are our intrinsic human qualities which cannot be imitated easily by technologies. These human qualities will be our niche areas in the future economy.


Will be introduced to character strengths, our personal strengths profiling and Aware-Explore-Apply model.

Key Learnings

  • The historical development of VIA Character Strengths.

  • The domains and elements of VIA Character Strengths.

  • Some insights on these VIA Character Strengths.

  • Personal VIA Character Strengths Profiling.

  • Aware-Explore-Apply Model


Anyone who is curious, inquisitive and love to learn.



Learning stakeholder


Willing to do some basic research on VIA Character Strengths.


Reflect on your own VIA Signature Strengths and Correlate these with your experiences.

Topics and agenda

  • 3. Background and Insights to VIA Character Strengths

    Holistic Approach | 2 Hours

    How did the VIA character strengths unfold in history of positive psychology?What is our intrinsic nature as human being?What are your signature character strengths?

    To know, explore and learn to apply our character strengths in the context of work, community, family and social circle.

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Positive Human Diversity Ventures

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